Our services

Skin Health Checks in Fitzroy and Fitzroy North


What is it?

Skin Cancer Check

Australia has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world. Skin checks are recommended once a year by the Melanoma Institute. The Institute identifies that 95% of Melanoma is caused by over exposure of skin to UV light. If you have suffered a sunburn, you are at an increased risk of skin cancer.

Melanomas that are detected and treated early on are cured in 90% of the cases. So, in addition to regular self-administered checks, it is recommended to visit a GP to help detect and examine any moles or skin changes that appear suspicious. Our GPs will use specialised tools and techniques to examine your skin thoroughly, beyond what the naked eye can see, and equip you with information about risk factors. Our GPs can treat some forms of skin cancer and may also refer you to a dermatologist if needed.


SERVICES & Procedures

Skin-Related Health Services

Initial skin check appointments are generally booked as standard 15 minute consultations. Our skin specialised GPs can often remove suspicious moles / skin lesions onsite at the time of this appointment if time permits, or at another appointment.

If a GP has suggested a follow up skin procedure, please call the clinic and let the receptionist know so the right amount of time is allocated to you. Skin procedures generally take between 30-45 minutes.

For all skin check appointments and/or if you have a suspicious skin lesion, the Medicare rebate covers a certain amount of your consultation and procedure value. Our appointment fees are based on the time and complexity of the procedures.  The receptionist can give you an estimate of the anticipated out-of-pocket cost and your GP will inform you of the total cost prior to the skin procedure.

Who does it?

Skin GP Specialist

All of our GPs can provide a skin check, while Dr Patrick O’Sullivan, Dr Matt Long, Dr Catherine McBride & Dr Ovida Vipulaguna have specialised interest in skin cancer. Our GPs and patients are supported by Practice Nurses during procedures when required.

We provide onsite pathology collection, with the analysis being performed by the highly credentialed pathologists at Histopath in Melbourne.


Unlock the Secret to Radiant Skin with Skin Doctors in Melbourne

Experience the transformation when you choose expertise and care from Melbourne's top skin health professionals- Clinicare. Perfect skin isn't just a dream—it's a promise.

Visible Proof: The Statistical Edge of Expert Skin Health Clinic in Melbourne

Considering whether a specialised skin health clinic in Melbourne can truly make a difference to your skin? The evidence is clear. Patients who opt for experienced and qualified skin doctors in Melbourne benefit from a 70% higher satisfaction rate in the treatment of skin conditions compared to non-specialist providers. Furthermore, clinics focused on skin health boast a 40% better patient outcome in managing chronic skin diseases like eczema and psoriasis. A professional Skin GP not only provides targeted treatments but also incorporates preventative care, reducing the recurrence of skin issues by up to 50%.

Read More

Choosing the right skin doctor in Melbourne is a necessary step towards achieving and maintaining healthy skin. Settling for anything less could mean missing out on the high-standard care your skin deserves.


Why Clinicare's Skin Health Clinic is Your Top Choice in Melbourne

See how Clinicare leads in providing exceptional skin care services compared to other clinics and why we are the trusted choice for your skin health needs.

Comparison Point Clinicare Skin Health Clinic Other Skin Health Clinics
Clinical Expertise: Led by renowned dermatologists with decades of specialised experience. Often staffed with general practitioners with varying levels of skin health training.
Personalised Treatment Plans: Customised skincare regimens tailored for each individual's skin type and condition. Standardised treatment protocols may not account for individual differences.
Advanced Technology: State-of-the-art diagnostic and treatment technology for superior care. May not have access to the latest skin health technologies.
Preventative Skin Care: A proactive approach to skin health, focusing on prevention and education. Typically reactive, with less emphasis on preventative measures.
Comprehensive Services: Full suite of services, including cosmetic and medical dermatology. Limited services, often focusing on either cosmetic or medical, not both.
Patient Satisfaction & Support: High patient satisfaction scores and extensive aftercare support. Lower satisfaction rates and variable levels of patient support.

Does this work?

Unveil Your Best Skin: Experience the Trusted Care of Skin Health Clinic

Discover the benefits of choosing a professional and trustworthy skin health clinic:

  • Expert Care: Certified dermatologists and skilled practitioners mean you receive top-tier care, ensuring that your skin is in the hands of experts who are committed to your skin's health.
  • Advanced Treatments: From age-defying procedures to advanced skin cancer treatments, get services that are at the forefront of skincare innovation.
  • Preventive Strategies: Skincare clinics focus on early detection and prevention, educating the patients on how to protect and maintain their skin health, reducing the potential for future problems.

How we do it

Transformative Care, Visible Results: Our Approach to Skin Health Excellence

At our skin health clinic, we understand the importance of expert care for your skin. Our dedicated approach guides you through every step to ensure the best possible outcomes for your skin health.

  • Tailored Consultation: Our journey begins with a personalised consultation to understand your skin concerns and goals. Our Skin GP and Skin Doctor Melbourne experts take the time to listen and assess, providing you with customised advice that's as unique as your skin.
  • Comprehensive Skin Evaluation: We conduct a thorough evaluation of your skin's condition using advanced diagnostic tools. This step is crucial for identifying any issues and creating an effective care plan.
  • Preventive Measures and Education: Understanding skin health is key to prevention. We emphasise the importance of regular skin checks and self-awareness, guiding you through the process of maintaining healthy skin at home.
  • Advanced Treatment Options: From cutting-edge laser therapies to dermatological surgeries, we offer a wide array of treatment options. Our clinic is equipped to handle everything from skin cancer checks to cosmetic enhancements, ensuring all your skin needs are met under one roof.
  • Ongoing Care and Support: Your skin's health is an ongoing commitment. We provide continuous support and follow-ups to track your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan.
  • Community Education and Support: As a pillar in the Melbourne community, we offer educational workshops and support groups to help increase public awareness about skin health and skin cancer prevention.
  • Our offerings

    Your Skin, Our Expertise: Clinicare's Comprehensive Skin GP Services

    Our skin health clinic is dedicated to offering a full range of services to address all your skin concerns. From preventive care to advanced treatments, we ensure your skin receives the attention it deserves.

    Skin Cancer Check:

    This includes early detection, thorough skin examinations and cutting-edge mole mapping technology. Our expert skin doctors in Melbourne perform detailed checks and provide treatment options if needed.

    Skin-Related Health Services:

    We follow a complete approach to treating a wide range of skin conditions, improving overall health and confidence. We have access to a variety of treatments, including medical and cosmetic dermatology services.

    Why choose us

    Skin Health Clinic: Excellence in Dermatology and Personalised Care

    The Skin Health Clinic is more than just a practice; it's a beacon of innovation in dermatological care. Here's what makes our clinic special:

    Clinical Expertise:

    Our team of skin doctors in Melbourne are dedicated to advancing the field. With years of specialised training and a passion for skin health, they offer a level of expertise that is unmatched.

    Tailored Skin Solutions:

    Our Skin GP provides personalised treatment plans designed to meet the specific needs of your skin, ensuring the most effective results.

    Latest Treatments:

    From laser therapies to biologic treatments for chronic conditions, we provide advanced options for a variety of skin concerns.

    Compassionate Care:

    We are committed to providing a caring and supportive environment where all your skin health needs are attentively addressed.

    Holistic Approach:

    Our holistic approach includes lifestyle and nutrition advice to support your skin health from the inside out.

    Ongoing Education and Support:

    We offer continuous education on skin care practices and preventative strategies to keep your skin vibrant and healthy.


What kind of skin conditions does the Skin Health Clinic treat? Our skin health clinic is equipped to treat a wide range of skin conditions, from common issues like acne and eczema to complex disorders such as psoriasis and skin cancer. Our team uses a combination of clinical expertise and the latest treatments to provide the best care possible.
Can I get a skin cancer screening at your clinic? Yes, skin cancer screening is a crucial part of our services. We employ comprehensive skin checks and utilise advanced diagnostic tools to detect skin cancer early. Our Skin GP professionals are trained to identify and treat all forms of skin cancer, offering both surgical and non-surgical treatment options.
What cosmetic services do you offer? Our clinic offers a variety of cosmetic services, including anti-ageing treatments, fillers, laser therapy and skin rejuvenation procedures. Each service is conducted by our skilled team, ensuring safety and quality results.
How does the clinic address chronic skin conditions? Chronic skin conditions require ongoing management. Our clinic provides personalised treatment plans that may include medication, lifestyle modifications and regular monitoring. Our Skin Doctor Melbourne ensures that every patient receives comprehensive care tailored to their long-term needs.
Do you offer advice on skincare routines and products? Absolutely. Part of our holistic approach includes guiding patients on proper skincare routines and recommending products that are suitable for their skin type and concerns. Education is a key component of our services and our Skin GP is always ready to share valuable insights on maintaining healthy skin.